Friday, June 3, 2011

Snow and Cold Feet

 We had quite a snow storm on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, coating the mountains and even the valleys with a blanket of white. As it warmed up, the snow retreated back up the slopes, but the newness of it added some extra color to the landscape.

 The snow-water-equivalent is over 500% right now, and year to date precipitation greater than 150%. That means we have a lot of snow that isn't melting! The streams are starting to come up, but there's a lot more water to come down.

The Americorps trail crew was busy at work on the Pole Canyon trail. The higher stream had swamped the old stepping stones, so they were working on finding bigger ones. They didn't want to get their work boots wet, so they were braving the cold stream water barefoot. Brrr!

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